
Showing posts from February, 2015

Website work

These are just a couple of the websites that are currently up and operational that I have recently designed and been involved with creating. Over time, often after creation the owner of the business or orgnization will take over the updates and sites materal. I try to empower people to learn and better protect themselves in the world have hackers and unethical indivuduals. FREE RIDER FELLOWSHIP CHURCH IN PLANT CITY, FLORIDA DR. PHILLIPS POP WARNER FOOTBALL AND CHEER  ORLANDO, FLORIDA While I can use templete to design a website, I can aslo build from scratch using HTML, flash and CSS code to ensure one of a kind design elements for a client.

Event Photography

I'm putting various events I have photographed into this album to give viewers an idea of what I can do with various events.  Prom Photos From Erath, Louisiana  Bound No More (band of Free Rider Fellowship) Bass Player Cindy Playing at the Krazy Kup In Plant City, Fl  Baby Shower for Tasha Smith Free Rider Fellowship Pastor and Elders Prepare for a Baptism Bound No More (member lead vocal and guitarist) Matt  plays at the krazy Kup  Jesses First Trip to Atlantic  Art Show (one of the two artist sitting out side)  Jessica meede Chilling with friends at an art show  Tasnova and Jessica at a showing of Art in Denton Texas Christmas Lights display in Tampa area Ray Stevens Concert Erath Louisiana High School Graduation   Erath Louisiana High School Graduation  Erath Louisiana High School Graduation