
Showing posts from August, 2013

Sample of Graphic Designs from over the years.

Below  are a few examples of designs completed for clients are studies while in College. I can be found relaxing reworking a few various designs that have come about over the years. Bellow are both photoshop and illustrator designs.   The Compositions above are from a series  called "If they would have known" Simple compilations of images of family photos     The Images above are graphics designed from an engagement photo shoot I did in 2001, for a couple I knew from School. The original images were shot on 35mm film and the couple was extremely happy with the  photography. They asked me to create a special image for the reception and invitations.  The image on the right was published in a literary magazine from the college called Duck Soup.    An Illustrator Design Based in 2016 and revamped in 2017 for a client looking for new lableing for his Honey. Using a subtle two tone image for effective printing cost a...

Printed Works

2010 This is a banner I designed using an old family photograph and photo I took out in Kansas of a field of sunflowers. The purpose of this banner is so that the family would know they were in the right spot for a family reunion. The banner is 6 foot by 3 foot with grommets for hanging, its printed using UV Cured inks and printed on vinyl.  I have a few other banners I have designed for people this is the only one I have a photograph of it being displayed!  This is the FRF (Free Rider Fellowship) biker cookbook made and distributed in 2014 this is not a work i can claim as mine alone. However i did design the cover of this cook book.  Printed on Light weight metal and framed as a graduation gift.  16x20 poster framed and hanging proudly in the home of a young professional   Banner used for a family reunion various years.  UV cured inks used to prevent fading over tiem Printed on 8x10 and fixed to a 8x10 piece of wo...

Sculpture work from 2007-2008

The photos above are from a sculpture that was inspired by the work of Annette Lawrence, an artist out of the Dallas / Fort Worth area. The work above is a series titled: My Life. It is four foot tall two foot wide by two foot deep.There are 8 pieces. When assembled, they take up the floor space equivalent of a full sheet of plywood. The only items I used on this project were; wood, string, stain, eye hooks, a computer to generate the pattern for the strings, a projector to project the pattern onto the wood, c ad player to play the music that was represented by the strings. I used a program called Audacity, normally used for sound editing. I used it to get an output for the pattern of a section of a song that reflected my life. This work of art won best of show at the college in 2007, and student choice award the same year. As far as I am aware, this was one of the largest undertakings a student had done for the show. The awards were given on March 18, 2007.  I...

Introduction to BKT designs and Photography owner and artist!

Creating has always come naturally to me. The first time I can clearly remember someone noticing my ability to create was in 5th grade. We were suppose to make an island from a home made clay we had made as homework. The island was to reflect what we envisioned the island looking like from the book we had just finished reading in class. Island of the Blue Dolphins.  Most students did this but, I really got into it. I ended up adding coloring to the modeling clay so that it looked like actual sand, not those white sand beaches in the Caribbean and Pacific.   I had built palm trees and added all sorts of extras, other students did not think of.  The teacher did not notice any of this till the third day we had to work on our projects. It was time for recess and I asked for permission to not go to recess and continue to work on my sculpture project. She was shocked, but reluctantly agreed.  The next couple days went the same. Then Friday was parent/teacher nigh...