Sample of Graphic Designs from over the years.

Below are a few examples of designs completed for clients are studies while in College. I can be found relaxing reworking a few various designs that have come about over the years. Bellow are both photoshop and illustrator designs. The Compositions above are from a series called "If they would have known" Simple compilations of images of family photos The Images above are graphics designed from an engagement photo shoot I did in 2001, for a couple I knew from School. The original images were shot on 35mm film and the couple was extremely happy with the photography. They asked me to create a special image for the reception and invitations. The image on the right was published in a literary magazine from the college called Duck Soup. An Illustrator Design Based in 2016 and revamped in 2017 for a client looking for new lableing for his Honey. Using a subtle two tone image for effective printing cost a...