Introduction to BKT designs and Photography owner and artist!
Creating has always come naturally to me. The first time I can clearly remember someone noticing my ability to create was in 5th grade. We were suppose to make an island from a home made clay we had made as homework. The island was to reflect what we envisioned the island looking like from the book we had just finished reading in class. Island of the Blue Dolphins. Most students did this but, I really got into it. I ended up adding coloring to the modeling clay so that it looked like actual sand, not those white sand beaches in the Caribbean and Pacific. I had built palm trees and added all sorts of extras, other students did not think of. The teacher did not notice any of this till the third day we had to work on our projects. It was time for recess and I asked for permission to not go to recess and continue to work on my sculpture project. She was shocked, but reluctantly agreed. The next couple days went the same. Then Friday was parent/teacher night. We were suppose to have our projects done so our parents could see them. Problem was we had several things we were suppose to display on our desk. The sculpture project was one of them. The sculpture, when I was done, would not fit on a desk at all. Upon arriving that night, she met all the parents and at the end asked my parents and I to stay back for a minute. They figured I had gotten into trouble. She wanted to tell them about my recent project and why it was not on my desk. They had noticed, and knew I had been taking things to class to work on a project. She pointed to the back of the room and showed them a large table that was taken up by my island and ocean scene. She proceeded to tell them how she thinks art was an avenue I should pursue as an extra curricular activity, as she thought I had potential and had yet to see me put that much effort into any project that year.
In middle school, I signed up for my electives and took her advice. I stayed in art through middle school and into high school. In high school, one particular art teacher told me the first week I would never be a successful artist. Note we were only copying definitions she had not seen any type of art work from me. She got me reassigned to another teachers art class. The teacher that told me I would never be an artist was Ms. Ruth Mendoza. I remember that name almost 15 years later. I ended up graduating high school, and in my senior year, had work release. I worked at a photography studio in the morning and went to the high school for one class in the afternoon. That class being, Photography. It was great. My art started to focus on technology advances in the art world. I went to college to study photography and ended up majoring in Art/ Computer Graphics/ Photography, and computer science. I had been using computers since I was three years old. My first computer was a Commodore 64. I only used it for print shop and to play games. In those days, if you wanted to play games, you played them off of a 5.0 floppy disk and had to use DOS prompt to code, to get to the game.
My art today is mostly, computer generated, and photography. I also enjoy sculpture and working with power tools when I have the opportunity to do so! Over the years, I have worked with various mediums including but not limited to: Water Color, Acrylic, Sculpture, Ceramics, Instillation Art, Poetry, Photography (Black and White, Color, Large Format, Digital), Computer Graphics (vector and bitmap), Web Sites, Animations.
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