Sample of Graphic Designs from over the years.

Below  are a few examples of designs completed for clients are studies while in College. I can be found relaxing reworking a few various designs that have come about over the years. Bellow are both photoshop and illustrator designs.

The Compositions above are from a series 
called "If they would have known" Simple compilations of images of family photos

    The Images above are graphics designed from an engagement photo shoot I did in 2001, for a couple I knew from School. The original images were shot on 35mm film and the couple was extremely happy with the  photography. They asked me to create a special image for the reception and invitations.  The image on the right was published in a literary magazine from the college called Duck Soup.

   An Illustrator Design Based in 2016 and revamped in 2017 for a client looking for new lableing for his Honey. Using a subtle two tone image for effective printing cost and clean lines to send a clear defination of the product with in.

 Bucbo Express approached me for some simple yet easily identifiable decals for the semi-trucks to have put on them for better advertise the owner operator and their location with the diverse client base available to that particular limited liability company.
The above image was designed for the Dallas Farmers Market Competition in 2010, as a design to be placed on the top of a Yearly Calendar!

This DVD Cover was designed as a memorial DVD for the family members of the Ms. Burton in the picture.  The DVD inside was inscribed with an image as well. Slide show of images of Ms. Burtons life were put on the DVD with her favorite Hymes.

   These two layout designs were done as an advanced student in the computer graphics program at the college where I worked and attended. They are designed as CD cases, as if the songs depicted were singles being released.
This image was a way for me to stand apart uniquely and show that differences are something to be encouraged not shunned.

These graphics above are from a series I designed to educate the public about the loss of life in Iraq during the second Iraq war, not combined with Afghanistan.  At the time I designed these, the number who had been killed in the war was 4,185. The number is supposed to represent an old school gas pump. The image on the right is an image printed on plexi and installed into a light box. The Lighting is provided by rope lights. It was a play on saying I am shining a light on a serious situation.

During college a project that expaned in my free time was socially relevent posters. A couple topics at the time that were very prevelent were adoption and oil drilling.


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