HEROS **Discounted** Pricing

(This image is not of my own creation I am unsure whose it is and its one that was used on my Facebook page for a while)

In America, Our Nation was founded on certain beliefs. Thank you to the Men and Women who uphold those beliefs.   While the news and media only show the few bad eggs in the group. As an Artist and Business Woman. I will not allow the effort these Men in Women have given our Nation be lost because of a few. No matter how many times people say one bad egg in the bunch did this did that. There are thousands more who did the right thing. 

So as appreciation we offer : 

  • Fire Fighters
  • Paramedics/ EMT
  • Active Duty Military (Any Branch)
  • Retired Military (Any Branch)
  • Police (any jurisdiction state/county/ city) 
In addition to these above-mentioned categories, there are two more That are not at quite the same level of danger in their profession but just as important in my book. 

  • Pastors/ Preachers/ Clergy (business card of the church Your name must be printed on it ** required**) - These men and women pray for Americans every day in one way or another. Often including the above people in their prayers. 
  • Teachers- None of the above would be who they are without what you taught them. (School Id or if retired Name of school and what you taught any photo of you in a yearbook at work etc will be accepted)  

** Fine print - To receive the discount on any service please identify as one of the above  prior to work being completed. The discount is based on type of work requested and is even across the board. This discount may be stacked with the return customer discount**


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